Monday, November 2, 2009

Ok guys, where's the camera?

I had an audition on Halloween for a production of La Boheme. It was my third time showing up to audition due to various kerfuffles. I'd befriended the women running the audion table at this point! But finally I was there and they were ready to hear me. I walked in and sang "Donde Lieta."
When I finished the folks behind the table applauded. And I almost fainted from shock. Fortunately they then asked me to take a seat and talk about my schedule!

It was one of those auditioning experiences which is unspeakably rare but amazingly memorable. As a performer, you inure yourself to the responses of audition panels which frequently range from vacant to rude. If you're lucky, they're friendly. So I just expected to walk in and walk out. This... well, I hardly knew how to respond but I rolled with it! It's like a chemical reaction of the right singer at the right moment in front of the right people and BAM! You've got cold fusion. But like cold fusion, attempts to repeat the same experiment will never achieve the same result. Still- you know it happened.

I don't actually know what will come of this audition. It could be my first Mimi! Like the song says "God, I hope I get it!" I'm not sure since I was somewhat flustered by the overwhelming response. Don't know how well I handled the sudden discussion that ensued. But whatever happens, I will always reflect on the joy from an unheard of audioning experience!

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